Thursday 4 December 2014

Jackie Chan Adventures HINDI Season 02 Episodes (The Demon Portals)

Tohru is reformed and studying as Uncle's apprentice. Shendu has been destroyed and banished to a dimensional prison, where his seven Demonic siblings are not happy with his failure to rescue them. In a last-ditch attempt to save his time and his life, he convinces the demons to allow him out so he can possess somebody, namely Jackie Chan. In order to keep track of where he is, the Demons place a curse on him, forcing his ghost to stay in whatever body he possesses. Shendu goes after Jackie, but accidentally possesses Valmont instead. Through never-ending conflict, Valmont is forced to work along with Shendu to release the Demon Sorcerers from their confinement. This season also introduces the Dark Chi Wizard Daolon Wong.

[Season 02]

-Jackie Chan Adventures HINDI Episodes-

The Dark Hand, with the power of the Talismans, goes on a crime spree. While Jackie is eager to leave Section 13 behind he agrees to help them one last time against the Dark Hand. Meanwhile, Shendu escapes back to the real world and tries to possess Jackie but accidentally possesses Valmont instead

The Dark Hand goes hunting for the legendary Pan Ku box which will lead them to the eight Demon Portals. Meanwhile, knowing that the Dark Hand is too strong with the Talismans for Jackie and Uncle to handle, Jade recruits El Toro Fuerte and Viper to join the J Team and with Tohru they go help Jackie stop them.

Episode 03 Skipped By Hungama!

The Pan'ku Box reveals that the next Demon Portal is located somewhere in a forest, but over the past 900 years, a maximum-security prison has been built over the site. Shendu forces Valmont and his gang into committing a petty theft, sending him, Ratso, and Finn to the prison. Jackie and Captain Black are suspicious, Jackie has his face altered to go undercover as a prisoner. While in the prison, Chow and Hak Foo disguised as mailmen send in the Pan'ku box and Jackie inadvertently releases Xiao Fung, the Wind Demon. Once Uncle learns about Jackie's undercover operation from Jade, they along with Tohru show up and help Jackie battle the frog-like monster with Talisman power. The group then uses a fan to seal Xiao Fung away once more.

The Chans travel to Hollywood after the Dark Hand moves there to release the next Demon Portal. While there, Jade is convinced that Jackie would be a perfect movie star, and continously pesters him to get an agent. Jackie has to put his movie career on hold, though, as the Dark Hand releases Tchang Zu, the Thunder Demon, on a movie lot. Tchang Zu decides to capture Grauman's Chinese Theater and turn it into his new palace. The Chan clan gets together and fights off the demon, although finding the key to banish him proves difficult. A pair of castanets is eventually procured, and Tchang Zu is sealed away again.

When Jackie retrieves an old book, Jade is so impressed with the gnarly face on the cover that she gets it tattooed onto her leg in order to outdo her classmate Drew. Unfortunately, the tattoo won't come off and grants her control of the Shadowkhan, resulting in her corruption and transformation into the evil Queen of the Shadowkhan

The Dark Hand must travel to space where Jackie sneaks aboard their space shuttle as they blast off from Cape Canaveral, with Jade secretly tagging along. Once the group is away from the Earth, the Pan'ku Box frees Tso Lan, the Moon Demon. He plots to move the Moon from its orbit and thus change the tides of Earth, twisting it to his liking. The group battles while Tohru flies into space with the Chi Spell ingredients, with Uncle shouting incantations from NASA Mission Control. The long-distance spell proves effective when Jackie finds the necessary lotus pod placed in his space suit and holds his breath to release it, allowing Tso Lan to be sealed away again.

Jackie is excavating some ancient armor when Uncle reveals it is the Armor of the Gods. This ancient suit of armor was worn by the Eight Immortals in their battles against the Demon Sorcerers. It proves quite convenient when the Dark Hand travels to Spain to find the next Demon Portal during the Running of the Bulls. The Pan'ku Box frees Dai Gui, the Earth Demon, from his imprisonment. His super-strength is stopped by Jackie, who dons the armor to fight the burly monster. Unfortunately, banishing him is a challenge, as Jade placed a sleeping spell on Uncle to stop his constant complaining. She attempts to astrally project herself with the Sheep Talisman to get his help, but even this proves ineffective. After waking up, Uncle is able to correctly banish Dai Gui.

The Dark Hand seeks out the next Demon Portal at Fenway Park. Hsi Wu, the Sky Demon, flies out from his prison-but it is situated right in front of a bathroom door, and his tail snaps off as Jade tries to close it on the monster. Uncle casts the Chi Spell on the tail. Hsi Wu disguises himself as a boy near Jade's age to get into the house, and Jade feels personally upset when she develops feelings for the mysterious Seymour. After Hsi Wu kidnaps Uncle to force him to remove the spell, an angered Jade single-handedly fights the Demon using the Talismans of Rooster and Rabbit to generate the power of flight. With teamwork, Jade re-attaches the tail allowing Jackie to play a flute, which banishes Hsi Wu once more.

There is one Demon Sorcerer left. The Dark Hand moves toward the Coliseum in Rome to unlock the portal, and release Bai Tza, the Water Demon. She seeks out her old kingdom - Atlantis - but when she finds it in ruins, she chooses to drown San Francisco as a new home with some information from Finn. Valmont manages to render Shendu outcold using the Pan'ku Box and seeks help from the Chans to exorcise him. He provides them with information on Bai Tsa's plans and goes with them to confront her. Uncle is unable to come along initially, so Tohru tries to seal her without his aid. Unfortunately, this does not work - Bai Tza's spell still works, and she manages to summon a flood to destroy the city but Uncle arrives at the scene and uses a spell to stop the flood, but Shendu has regained control of Valmont and he and Bai Tza escape.

Before Bai Tza can use another flood, Uncle uses a gourd to seal her away again. Unfortunately, Jade steps too close to the chi spell when recording the scene on her Moose Camera, and is dragged into Bai Tza's portal. While there, the Demon Sorcerors communicate with and confront Shendu. In order to escape punishment, he has promised that all seven of the Demon Sorcerers can use his Portal - the only one left - to come back to Earth. When Hsi Wu discovers Jade and introduces her to his brethren, she reveals that Shendu lied, having been contacted by Uncle while Jackie and Tohru used the Pan'Ku box to locate Shendu's portal in an attempt to free Jade from the Netherworld. Eventually, Shendu catches up with them and Hak Foo seizes the Pan'Ku Box, but the portal is opened when Jackie banishes Shendu's spirit from Valmont to the Netherworld, allowing Jade to escape as the other demons attempt to reach the portal. Shendu is left to deal with his angry brethern, and the Chans reunite happily.

Episode 12 - Demon World (Part 1)
Shendu is being tortured by his brothers and sisters when he manages to discover a time rift that allows him to escape the Demon Netherworld and, at long last, possess Jackie! He uses his body to travel to a mysterious temple in Australia that houses the Book of Ages. This Book literally determines reality; all things that have been are written in its pages. Shendu uses this sacred power to transform the history of the world, with he and his siblings ruling over humanity. Right before he completes this task, though, Jade grabs a corner of a page, preserving her memories. In the new reality, she, Uncle, and Jackie are Shendu's slaves. The episode ends with her attempts to convince the two to help her make things right again.

Episode 13 - Demon World (Part 2) 
Jade, Uncle, and Jackie escape from Shendu's palace with a few talismans taken from Shendu to find the other members of the J-Team and restore the world. They find Tohru in the enslavement of Po Kong, and he helps them banish the enormous Sorceress and joins the group. Their next rescue victims are El Toro and Paco, who are trapped by Xiao Fung. They banish him and go to free Viper, locked in a cage by Hsi Wu to be a songbird. They banish him, and though Tchang Zu descends upon the scene to attack, Uncle and Paco work together to re-seal him as well. The remaining four Demons-Bai Tza, Tso Lan, Dai Gui, and Shendu-become aware of these events and race to Australia to keep the Book of Ages from being restored. Viper, El Toro, Tohru, and Jackie fight against the Demons with the aid of the Talismans, but they are too strong until Jade realizes the power of the Book. She begins to turn the odds in their favor until Uncle reminds her to seal the demons, and she complies which Uncle is able to send the four immortal objects that banishes the four back into the Netherworld. Jade restores the torn page to the Book, and the world is once again as it should be.

Episode 14 - The Mother of All Battles 
Tohru's mother comes to visit at the shop and immediately falls out with Uncle. Meanwhile a Japanese criminal group attempts to recruit a now-reformed Tohru to help pull off their latest crime.

Episode 15 - Danger in the Deep Freeze 
The Chans head into the Arctic to study a frozen prehistoric man. However, the local Inuit tribe does not wish for the creature to be removed. Things worsen when Jade defrosts the caveman, who is being sought by an evil black marketeer.

Episode 16 - Into the Mouth of Evil 
While visiting a fellow archaeologist, Jackie is struck and needs to get a new filling. He is then pursued by the men he was fighting while struck, as they seek a tiny magical piece of metal.

Jackie guides a spoiled brat to the Lost City of the Muntabs to find the secret of eternal youth.

Jackie, Jade and a mysterious guide search for the mystical Lotus Temple, which only appears in the light of the full moon.

El Toro enlists Jackie's help to hunt down the infamous chupacabra. But things get worse when the chupacabra bites El Toro and he is doomed to turn into the chupacabra every night unless he is cured.

Jackie, Jade and Uncle find an old book about Jackie's ancestor from the Old West and read it together.

While in Paris Jackie witnesses a Chinese Painting stolen by an unusual art thief with the ability to fold himself up like Origami paper. When the police don't believe him he is forced to turn to a supposedly reformed Viper for help in recovering the painting.

Jade, bored, secretly accompanies Section 13 agent Tag McStone on a mission, and Jackie is forced to rescue both her and Tag in this James Bond spoof.

Jade uses the Tiger talisman on Jackie, taking the Yang Chan to her school play and sending the Yin Chan to fulfill Jackie's archaeological commitment. However, an evil troll known as Spring Heeled Jack is awakened by accident and seeks out the family that imprisoned him.

Jade uses the Tiger talisman on Jackie, taking the Yang Chan to her school play and sending the Yin Chan to fulfill Jackie's archaeological commitment. However, an evil troll known as Spring Heeled Jack is awakened by accident and seeks out the family that imprisoned him.

Jade befriends the boy king of Tangra when he comes to visit, and uses the Snake Talisman to get out for some much needed fun.

While fighting with Jackie over a magical cat statue, Valmont is scratched and begins to exhibit feline qualities: fur, a liking for dairy products, etc. This is bad news for Jackie when a local criminal art collector who wants the statue decides that he is the perfect incentive for Jade to retrieve it.

Jackie goes on a cruise ship to safeguard a rare statue from criminals who have attempted to steal it. He brings Uncle, Jade, and Tohru along, and Tohru's mother shows up as well. Tohru suffers from seasickness, which Jade helps him cure with the Horse talisman. Despite their efforts, the criminals get aboard, and commandeer the ship.

The monks of the Ben-Shui monastery believe Tohru to be the prophesied Chosen One. However this interests the Dark Chi Wizard Daolon Wong and his Dark Chi Warriors who target Tohru.

The magical gloves of a long-dead pirate frame Tohru for several thefts.

The Enforcers quit the Dark Hand and try to start their own evil organization. Their first caper in Ireland leads to a lot of trouble for Jackie when he has to deliver a gem that curses him with bad luck unless if he returns it to its tomb.

When the Talismans are forced out of Section 13 by Captain Black's superiors during their inspection, Jade tries to steal them one more time, however an accident during the rewiring of the security system causes her to absorb all the powers of the talismans. When Jackie, Jade, Uncle, and Captain Black head to the Ben-Shui temple to deliver the Talismans to the monks, Daolon Wong becomes excited after learning the Talisman powers have been absorbed by Jade and hopes to take them for himself. Though Daolon Wong had succeeded in capturing Jade, Uncle is able to stop him and transfer the powers back to the talismans and Captain Black was able to get a response from his memo to the Vice-President, allowing them to take the Talismans back to Section 13. But it appears the powers are in the wrong talismans eg: the Dragon Power was in the Horse Talisman.

Jackie and Jade investigate the disappearance of Stonehenge in England, and are soon being hunted down by maniacal druids.

Hak Foo makes his comeback, searching for the armbands of Shiva in India. Jackie finds them first, and when Hak Foo comes looking for them, an errant spell by Jade shrinks them both to the size of ants.

New Episodes Mon-Fri!

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