Tuesday 14 October 2014

Pok�mon: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors HINDI Episodes (Season 13) [HD]

Watch Ash, Dawn, and Brock travel across the Sinnoh region to face challenges, battles, and the antics of Team Rocket! With Team Galactic out of the way, Ash can now focus on qualifying for the Sinnoh League. And Dawn will train to compete for her final Contest Ribbon, which would allow her to compete in the Grand Festival!

-Pok�mon: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors In HINDI-

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As Ash and his friends continue their journey to Sunyshore City, they are attacked by a wild Magnezone. As they reach a near-by town, they are informed by Officer Jenny that Magnezone and wild Metagross has suddenly appeared and is wreaking havoc throughout the town. As the group lead the Steel-types to the mountains using their Electric attacks, they meets up with Crispin, a mountain guard. Then Crispin informs them that Magnezone and Metagross normally battle with each other on a regular basis to release the magnetism that builds up in their bodies, due to the strong magnetic forces emitted from the mountains. Recently, their "battle arena" (a deep crater) has become filled with water. Ash and co., Officer Jenny and Crispin have to find out why the crater is full of water, and a way to drain it, so Magnezone and Metagross can battle in peace away from the city. 

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After yet another failed attempt to master Draco Meteor, Ash's Gible falls into a lake and has to be saved by Buizel. After the successful rescue, Ash and Buizel are suddenly challenged to a battle by a Black Belt Trainer called Clayton against his Mr. Mime. Ash and Buizel naturally agree, however it soon emerges that this Mr. Mime is a powerful battler and Buizel is easily defeated. Determined to defeat this skilled Trainer and his Pok�mon, Ash and Buizel combine their fighting spirits and train hard for the rematch. Ash wins the rematch, and Buizel learns Ice Punch in the process. 

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Ash and co. meet a man called Daniel, with a Snorlax who wishes to be the best at Pok�thlon. Ash competes with him and try to gain the title of Pok�thlon King. 

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The gang finally reach Daybreak Town in time for Dawn's next Contest, after her last two Contest losses, she is eager to win her fifth and final ribbon. While there she meets Ursula again who shows off her new Minun and Plusle which brings up very uncomfortable memories for Dawn. 

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Dawn is quickly making her way to the finals, but Ursula is too. Their opponents one by one are being eliminated and the finals remain. Soon the finals pit Dawn and Ursula against each other. Dawn gets off to a good start with good combinations but Ursula's Pok�mon have been well trained and prepared as Dawn's every moves are blocked. Eventually Dawn is able to make a comeback and finally earns her 5th ribbon. She is now confident to face many other coordinators that are participating in the Grand Festival, held by Lake Valor. Now, they must journey to Sunyshore City Gym, to face Volkner and to claim Ash's eight badge. 

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With the contest over, Ash and friends head over to Sunyshore City. However, Ash's two rivals, Paul and Barry show up. During their meet, they understand through TV that there are only seven ribbons left (Also meaning that Jessie and Ursula needs to hurry to earn their respective remaining two and one ribbons to get qualified for the Sinnoh Grand Festival). Later Barry asks Paul for a battle in which he refuses. Instead, he and Ash have a battle, with Empoleon vs. Monferno. Monferno was struck by a Hydro Cannon which cause a rampage because its special ability Blaze, was activated, but when Team Rocket snatch Pikachu, Piplup, and Barry's Empoleon. Monferno finally controls his rampage at the last minute and evolves into Infernape. 

Ash brings out his Gible to train its Draco Meteor. Every attempt by Gible falsely hits Piplup. Piplup becomes really angry and imagines how everyone will punish Gible and comfort him. Instead, Nobody is angry at Gible, and with no caring about Piplup's feelings decides to leave the group. Using this opportunity, Jessie and James plan to use Piplup to get Pikachu. In the end, everyone aplogozies to Piplup, so it joins the group again. Piplup also learns Hydro Pump in this episode. 

With Ash's final gym match delayed, Ash and co. head towards Lake Valor for the Grand Festival. They meet up with Dawn's mother, who asks them to help out at a school. Meanwhile, Jessie wins her fourth Ribbon at the Tonarino Town Contest. 

Ash and company meet Marley, a young woman protecting a Shaymin sought by Team Rocket. They decide to help Marley search for the Gracidea flower needed for Shaymin's transformation to Sky Form, so that it can be set free safely. 

Ash and his friends meet elite four member Bertha whom specializes in ground Pok�mon. Team Rocket as always tries to steal others Pok�mon, this time from a young boy. Ash and team along with Bertha stops them. And as always Ash is eager to battle her, and chooses Torterra against Bertha's Hippowdon, but quickly loses the battle. 

Ash, Dawn and Brock on their way to Lake Valor enter Araroot Town where a Pok�mon Contest is about to start. They meet a Princess name Salvia and she wants to participate in the Araroot contest, so Dawn and the princess trade spots.Jessilina (Jessie) battles Princess Salvia. Salvia wins the ribbon, but gives it to Jessie for her efforts. Thus Jessie earns her fifth ribbon and qualifies for the Grand Festival, and Princess Salvia gave Togekiss to Dawn.. 

Finally, it's time for the Sinnoh League. And Ash soon discovers that his preliminary battle in the First Round is against Nando � the Pok�mon minstrel and the first trainer he befriended in Sinnoh. Ash decides to use his Quilava, Heracross and Staraptor, as Nando sends out Roserade, Kricketune and Armaldo. At first Nando takes the initiative, but later Ash grasps the situation gradually, by understanding Nando's style and rhythm. During the battle, Ash's Staraptor battled Nando's Roserade. After a few problems, Staraptor defeats Roserade, but quickly defeated by his Armaldo. Quilava learns Aerial Ace and ends up fainting in a tie with Armaldo. Using Heracross against Nando's Kricketune, Ash defeats Nando, and moves on to his next match in the Second Round. Meanwhile, Barry, Conway and Paul also make it through the preliminaries. 

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